Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bow Season Report, Florida 2010-17

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bow Season Report, Florida 2010 -16

Wind: WNW +/-
temp.: l 51, 80h.
moon: 2 days after quarter moon
major feed: 5:55 am, 6:15 pm
pressure: 30.08 rising
humidity: avg. 57% 24 min. 100max.
rain: 0

AM. Hunt:

It was almost cold this morning. I decided to drive the truck the 4 times down to the kill zone stand instead of the 4wheeler. Must have been near 50.

I did not hear or see any deer activity until about 8:35 when a deer started blowing to the east, about 100yds from me. I didn’t think the wind was blowing that way but it may have smelled where I walked in. about 9:15 or 9:30 I started hearing a little crashing in the thick back in rattle snake flat. A little movement in the back of the chop caught my attention and It turned out to be some kind of buck with 7-8” horns. He was focused on the crashing also. After a minute he started my way down the back of the chop but disappeared and I never saw him again. The crashing was over and that was pretty much the extent of the excitement.

Deer activity has slowed to a trickle at this stand.

I pulled all the trail camera cards and while there were over 500 pic.’s to sort thru there was nothing to get excited about. The only real bucks activity has been at the buck block stand. The big 6pt was back twice and a real high spike with a big notch in his right ear was there twice also. Always at night.

Live oak acorns are dropping pretty good there now and the deer sign has really picked up..

The Big bear was there in the daylight Friday afternoon, unusual.

The card at the moccasin drain stand was weak, still has not been at buck at this spot. I think I missed the boat there. The deer were there when the water oaks were dropping early in the season but that has changed and the green-n-whites (live oak) are falling now. The deer give up everything when this starts and this stand has gone cold. I have had stands where the deer were eating a 50lb sack of corn in two nights. As soon as the live oaks started to fall the corn was abandoned and actually started to grow! Some advice is in order here: if you find some hot sign you need to hunt it right now!! Don’t think you can save it and come back next weekend and hunt it. Most likely it will be over.

PM Hunt:

I had to go back to the kill zone to try that big 8 there. Well, I saw exactly zero! In fact, I will never see the big 8 at that stand or any other. He is now a ghost. Ole Steve-O was hunting a high scrub in the next block over and put a shaft right thru both lungs on that one! I guess I’ll make him a gift of all the trail camera pictures I got of him.

When I got back to camp Steve was about to wet his pants he was so excited. “Stephens, I just shot a m o n s t e r buck! We need to go put the dog on it.” Well, he had made pretty much a perfect shot and the deer had only gone about 50yds. I let Steve work the dog so I could film but when we got to the head of the track Lacy took off pulling poor Steve so fast they were there before I could catch up to video it. The track was about an hour and a half old and took Lacy maybe a minute to get to the deer. Steve will probably need a couple days for his shoulder to recover.

The deer was not all that big in body but had a perfect 8pt set of horns, very symmetrical. That was one happy hunter!

Sunday 17, 2010 The Last Day of the Season!

AM. Hunt:

I had to put one last hunt in at the kill zone. That turned out to be a poor plan. I saw zero deer.

I pulled the camera at the moccasin drain stand to move it to a second stand I have in the buck block we call Rick’s stand. There were some fresh worked scrapes and a pile of tracks coming to the oak mot there. I pulled the card at the other stand and Notch-O the big spike had been back about midnight along with a pile of other deer but all in the dark. The big 6 has not been there in a few day now.

I did some limbing around Rick’s stand to make it a little more bow friendly and I think I am going to stay for the last afternoon hunt. If it’s brown its down!

PM. Hunt:

Well, the last hunt was also a bust. That was the 8th hunt at the club and I saw one deer from the stand. I have not seen any does at all! Unbelievable. I did see a doe in the road on the way to the stand about 5:00pm.

Tomorrow start cross bow season but I can still hunt with a conventional bow. That runs until Friday, then Muzzleloader starts Saturday.

Larry S.

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