Sunday, February 24, 2013

NBC/Comcast - Anti-Hunting/Gun Policy!

I just received my SCI News Letter and it had some interesting information that my sportsmen friends need to know about........

The following is quoted directly from SCI (Safari Club International, if you're not familiar with them)

" NBC/Comcast Adopts Anti-Hunting, Anti-Second Amendment Policy
Safari Club International members need to reconsider local cable options in the wake of anti-Second Amendment policies that NBC/Comcast has adopted. SCI has learned that local businesses that conduct either firearms sales or support hunting will no longer be able to pay for advertising on NBC/Comcast. This is a blatant attack on small businesses that support hunters and the Second Amendment around this country. Even during a time of economic recession, sportsmen and women spend an incredible about of money pursuing their sports around this country. The $90 billion spent by hunters, anglers, and sport shooters in 2011 is the same as the combined revenues for the United States’ TV broadcast and cable network industry – that includes NBC, FOX, ESPN, etc. In fact, America’s hunters spent $38.3 billion in 2011 on equipment and travel in local economies; in total more than the entire revenues for Comcast that year. The decision by NBC/Comcast to prohibit advertising of hunting and firearms related businesses on their network is not only an attack on the Second Amendment, but a deliberate attempt to further stall out the American economy.;
All economic facts can be found at "

Sportsmen and Women need to know who our friends are. Obviously, NBC/Comcast is not one of them. We need to be aware of this are do everything possible to avoid or boycott any of their services, broadcasting, advertisers, etc.

 If you are not a member of Safari Club, I would recommend you consider joint this organization. Anyone interested should visit the SCI web site @ . SCI is a great advocate for both hunting and gun rights.

Best of hunts,
Larry Stephens

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