Saturday, April 28, 2012

First Deer Fawn of the Year!


I pulled my tail camera cards yesterday and was surprised to see all the deer that have started to frequent this spot. The interesting part was that one of the doe's showed up with the first fawn I have seen this year. I had been getting some pictures of a doe that had an incredibly huge stomach and Tammie, my bride and I were betting she was going to have twins she was so big. I think this doe and fawn is a different group of deer. Besides that, this fawn is 1.5 to 2 weeks old and I am pretty sure I have gotten pictures of the other doe since then and she had not dropped her fawn.

I also had a couple young bucks show up that are just starting to bud out some velvet horns.

As far as the turkeys, The hens are obviously spending most of the day on the nest and have all but disappeared. In fact, all of the turkeys have changed their patterns. I have been getting as many as 3,000 photo's in 4-5 days but that has dwindled to a 1/4 of that at best and the gobblers are starting to roost elsewhere.

It looks like the breeding is pretty much over for another year. Tough luck for the gobblers!

Thought I would share these pictures with everyone, Hope you enjoy them.

Larry S.

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