Larry is an avid sportsman, having spent over 35 years honing his outdoors skills. He has been published in several national hunting magazines including; North American Whitetail, Florida Sportsman and Bowhunter magazine, for his outdoor experiences and trophy harvests.
Larry has hunted in Many different states for a variety of Big Game from Idaho to Illinois to Florida and many in between. Larry has harvested many trophy deer including the largest Non-Typical, Free range, Northeastern Whitetail in 2005 to be entered in the SCI record book and received a Crystal-Major Award for this accomplishment.
Other awards include both Gold & Bronze medallions for western, northeastern and southern whitetail categories in SCI and is a Certified Measurer for this Record keeping Organization.
A number of his harvests also qualify for the Pope & Young record book.
Larry is an accomplished Building Designer and taxidermist.
He lives and breathes hunting and the outdoors and enjoys sharing his experiences with other avid sportsman.