Wednesday, December 5, 2012

QDMA Jawbone Aging Video

If you own or lease a hunting property, being able to age the deer that are harvested there is pretty important. I lease a small farm in west central Illinois and our liability insurance is provided through QDMA. This affords me access to their mews letter and bi-monthly publications. The QDMA is a quality source for whitetail deer management information. In their latest news letter, they included a link to their deer jawbone aging video.

If you are a QDMA member you have probably already seen this video on aging a deer by its jawbone but if not here is a link to it....... 

Jawbone Aging: Part 1 – Tooth Replacement | Quality Deer Management Association

This is a very informative video on this subject and I would recommend this to anyone interested in learning more about whitetail deer.

Best of Hunts,
Larry S.